Monday, September 27, 2010

Thing #1

71/2 steps for life long learners was an interesting read. Learning is always fun, and sometimes frustrating. I always tell my students if you are not learning than you are dead. I have a hard time learning sometimes, because I am a huge procrastinator. I always have good intentions, but its hard for me to follow through. It doesn't help that I am department chair, have 9 month old triplet boys, and am taking masters courses all while I am taking this course. Lately however, I am making myself take the time. Usually late nights is when I get my work completed.

As long as I make a schedule and try to stick to it, I will succeed. My wife is helping remind me to get the work completed.

I do have the finish line in view, and I will get there.

1 comment:

  1. You make me tired just reading your post! :) Just try to do a little every day and if you get lost along the way, don't hesitate to ask for help!
